Fighting The Religious Coercion Amendment

On Wednesday August 2nd, TIA mailed substantial packets to all its local and statewide alliances. Among other items, these packets included background information on possible changes to the First Amendment that would allow state-sponsored prayer, detailed descriptions of possible forums to educate voters on this issue, and recommended arguments in opposition to any such changes. As Congress begins its deliberation on this issue during the fall, TIA and its state allliances will continue to aggressively raise public awareness to the severe threat these changes pose to all of our religious liberties. This continued effort will likely include the realization of these forums at the state levels, letters to the editor, and increased collaboration with our allies through Coaliton to Preserve Religious Liberty to demonstrate the broad-based and unified nature of the faith-based community's opposition to state-sanctioned prayer or worship.

As Congress begins consideration of possible amendments to the First Amendment's religion clauses, TIA strongly recommends to its members a variety of education activities which address the separation of church and state issue. As you will see, these activities are designed to enhance public awareness of the wide range of currently protected religious expression in public settings. In addition to showing that the amendments or changes are unnecessary, your coordinated education effort should also expose the harmful impact the amendment or legislation will likely have on all of our cherished religious liberties.

Although this list is far from exhaustive, TIA's recommendations for your education program are: Organize forums around the issue of these proposed amendments Sign and encourage other clergy to sign the enclosed copy of the Coalition to Preserve Religious Liberty (CPRL) letter Write editorials and letters to the editor of local and statewide newspapers expressing your objection to these proposed changes

To facilitate your goal of educating the public on this matter, and provide you with you substantial background information we have provided numerous documents below; including President Clinton's recent remarks on the First Amendment; TIA material and the language or arguments of the amendment's proponents.

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