TIA Logo The Interfaith Alliance


Yes, I want to join The Interfaith Alliance's national network of citizens concerned about religious political extremists.

$25 (One Year Membership) $50 $100 Other- Amount:

Please make checks payable to: The Interfaith Alliance Mail checks to:
The Interfaith Alliance
Attn: Membership Director
1511 K Street, NW
Suite 738
Washington D.C. 20005

First Name Last Name Address City State ZIP Telephone FAX E-mail Address Congregation/Affiliation

In addition to joining The Alliance's network, I am willing to: Assist in the formation of a state-wide Interfaith Alliance in my state. Submit the names and addresses of five of my friends or colleagues who would be interested in the Alliance's activities.

Additional Comments/Questions:

Contributions to The Interfaith Alliance are not tax-deductible for Federal Income tax purposes. TIA is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.

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