TIA graphic   The Interfaith Alliance
"TIA is a diverse group -- as diverse as America. And its members have come together for the purpose of standing up to the Christian Coalition and other radical right wing groups and individuals who wrap themselves in the language and symbolism of religious faith."
Walter Cronkite Signature
Walter Cronkite
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Newspaper gif New Issues
Legal Aid to the Poor Under Attack in Congress
Why is Congress trying to take away the legal representation of this nation's poorest?
The Christian Coalition's Troubling Racial Record
Reverned Ken Brooker-Langston investigates the racial record.
Welcome to Public School. Now, Open Your Bibles?!
The newest battle over school prayer heats up in Congress
Our Vision of America
The mission of The Interfaith Alliance is to promote the positive role of religion as a healing and constructive force in public life. Therefore we challenge those who manipulate religion to advance an extreme political agenda. Through our shared religious values, we seek to build a revitalized mainstream religious movement based upon active civic participation. Learn more about the positive role of religion in public life with The Interfaith Alliance Foundation
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The Interfaith Alliance Foundation

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The Interfaith Alliance
1511 K Street, NW Suite 738
Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: (202) 639-6370
FAX: (202) 639-6375
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