o TIA: Sen. Arlen Specter's Views
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Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) -Candidate for President

Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) -Candidate for President

The greatness of America springs from its history as a nation where people of diverse faiths and backgrounds could thrive and prosper together. The great constitutional principles of the First Amendment, which forbid our government from either establishing any religion or interfering with any person's exercise of religious faith, have served for two centuries as the bedrock of that greatness. I support those principles without qualification.

Consistent with those principles:

  • I welcome without reservation the participation in politics and government of people of deep religious commitment; and I recognize that as we try to control crime, and teen pregnancies and revitalize American families, the values taught in our churches and synagogues are a critical part of the process.
  • I reject absolutely any political group or faction which preaches or practices exclusion or intolerance; which asserts that votes for its candidates are votes "for God;" or which attempts to transform political disagreement into "holy wars."
  • I support the established constitutional right of individuals to use public buildings, including schools, for voluntary prayer.
  • I oppose a constitutional amendment to permit organized school prayer, as I believe it is wrong for any public or government official to have authority over any person's religious exercise.

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