An Open Letter to Congress on Relgious Liberty

We, the undersigned person's of faith, express our support for America's historic commitment to protect our God-given religious liberty through the two religion clauses in the First Amendment. We oppose a constitutional amendment and legislation concerning organized school prayer and other forms of government sponsored religious expression.

These measures are unneeded. Students can pray anytime they like-- even orally and collectively as long as it is not disruptive. Student Bible clubs abound in secondary schools. Truly neutral moments of silence provide other opportunities for prayer. Nor has religious expression been removed from the public forum. Citizens can speak of their religious convictions in town hall meetings, public rallies, and over the Internet. Political leaders routinely debate the pressing issues of our time in a way that is clearly informed by religious conviction.

These measures are unwise. An Amendment would perform radical surgery on the First Amendment which has never been amended in over two hundred years. Legislation would inevitably weaken our rich tradition of religious liberty. The separations afforded by the separation of church and state have resulted in unprecedented religious liberty in this country, and have helped to create a vibrant religious landscape envied by the rest of the world. Our founders -- Jefferson, Madison, and many others -- got it right the first time. If it ain't broke don't try to fix it.

Finally these measures would harm religion Religious expression must be voluntary and uncoerced if it is to be meaningful. Organized school prayer in the classroom or at school functions would coerce the consciences of a captive audience of students. Government-sponsored religious expression in public places impermissibly endorses religion and disparages the rights of religious minorities.

We believe in prayer and affirm the values of religion in our lives and the lives of our children. We oppose government meddling in these sacred precincts. Prayer and religious expression should be left to the houses of worship, families and individual citizens.

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