# Find spatial prediction-error filter. # subroutine pe2( eps, a1,a2,aa, n1,n2 ,pp, rr, niter, jump) integer a1,a2, n1,n2, niter, jump integer i1, iter, midpt, r12, a12 real aa( a1 , a2), pp( n1 , n2), rr( n1 , n2 * 2), eps temporary real da( a1, a2), dr( n1, n2 * 2) temporary real sa( a1, a2), sr( n1, n2 * 2) r12 = n1 * n2 a12 = a1 * a2 call null( aa, a12); call null( rr, 2 * r12) call null( da, a12); call null( dr, 2 * r12) midpt = (a1+1) / 2 aa( midpt, 1 ) = 1. call cinjof( 0, 0, jump, n1,n2,pp, a1,a2,aa, rr ) call ident ( 0, 0, eps, a12, aa, rr(1,n2+1) ) call scaleit ( -1., 2*r12, rr ) do iter= 0, niter { call cinjof( 1, 0, jump, n1,n2,pp, a1,a2,da, rr ) call ident ( 1, 1, eps, a12, da, rr(1,n2+1) ) do i1= 1, a1 { da(i1, 1) = 0. } call cinjof( 0, 0, jump, n1,n2,pp, a1,a2,da, dr ) call ident ( 0, 0, eps, a12, da, dr(1,n2+1) ) call cgstep( iter, a12, aa,da,sa, _ 2*r12, rr,dr,sr ) } return; end
This routine
is the two-dimensional equivalent
of finding the filter A(Z)
so that .We coded the 1-D problem in iner()
In pe2(), however, I did not bother
with the weighting functions.
A further new feature of
is that I added
is eps)
by including the call to
so that I could experiment with various forms of filter stabilization.
(This addition did not seem to be helpful.)
Given the 2-D PE filter,
the missing data is found with
miss2() ,
which is the 2-D equivalent of miss1()
# fill in missing data in 2-D by minimizing power out of a given filter.
subroutine miss2( lag1,lag2, a1,a2, aa, n1,n2, ww, pp, known, rr, niter)
integer i1,i2,iter, lag1,lag2, a1,a2, n1,n2, niter, n12
real pp( n1, n2) # in: known data with zeros for missing values
# out: known plus missing data.
real known( n1, n2) # in: known(ip) vanishes where pp(ip) is missing
real ww( n1, n2) # in: weighting function on data pp
real aa( a1, a2) # in: roughening filter
real rr( n1, n2*2) # out: residual
temporary real dp( n1, n2), dr( n1, n2*2)
temporary real sp( n1, n2), sr( n1, n2*2)
n12 = n1 * n2; call null( rr, n12*2)
call null( dp, n12); call null( dr, n12*2)
call cinloi( 0, 0, lag1,lag2,a1,a2,aa, n1,n2, pp, rr )
call diag ( 0, 0, ww, n12, pp, rr(1,n2+1))
call scaleit (-1., 2*n12, rr )
do iter= 0, niter {
call cinloi( 1, 0, lag1,lag2,a1,a2,aa, n1,n2, dp, rr )
call diag ( 1, 1, ww, n12, dp, rr(1,n2+1))
do i1= 1, n1 {
do i2= 1, n2 { if( known(i1,i2) != 0.) dp(i1,i2) = 0.
call cinloi( 0, 0, lag1,lag2,a1,a2,aa, n1,n2, dp, dr )
call diag ( 0, 0, ww, n12, dp, dr(1,n2+1))
call cgstep( iter, n12, pp,dp,sp, _
2*n12, rr,dr,sr )
return; end
We will soon see that stabilization is more critical
in miss2()
than in pe2().
Furthermore, miss2()
must be stabilized with
a weighting function, here ww(,),
which is why I used the
diagonal matrix multiplier
rather than
the identity matrix I used in
deghost() and
Subroutine diag() is used so frequently that I coded it in a special way
to allow the input and output to overlie one another.
subroutine diag( adj, add, lambda,n, pp, qq)
integer i, adj, add, n # equivalence (pp,qq) OK
real lambda(n), pp(n), qq(n)
if( adj == 0 ) {
if( add == 0 ) { do i=1,n { qq(i) = lambda(i) * pp(i) } }
else { do i=1,n { qq(i) = qq(i) + lambda(i) * pp(i) } }
else { if( add == 0 ) { do i=1,n { pp(i) = lambda(i) * qq(i) } }
else { do i=1,n { pp(i) = pp(i) + lambda(i) * qq(i) } }
return; end