There are two ways to code the missing-data estimation,
one conceptually simple and the other leading to a concise program.
Begin with a given filter and create a shifted-column matrix
,as in equation
The problem is that
is the data.
The columns of
are of two types,
those that multiply
data values and those that multiply
data values.
Suppose we reorganize
into two collections of columns:
for the missing data values,
for the known data values.
Now, instead of
, we have
,we have simply an overdetermined set of simultaneous equations
,which we solved with cgmeth()
The trouble with this approach is that it is awkward to program
the partitioning of the operator into the known and missing parts,
particularly if the application of the operator uses arcane techniques,
such as those used by the fast Fourier transform operator
or various numerical approximations to differential or partial
differential operators that depend on regular data sampling.
Even for the modest convolution operator,
we already have a library of convolution programs
that handle a variety of end effects,
and it would be much nicer to use the library as it is
rather than recode it for all possible geometrical arrangements
of missing data values.
Here I take the main goal to be the clarity of the code,
not the efficiency or accuracy of the solution.
(So, if your problem consumes too many resources,
and if you have many more known points than missing ones,
maybe you should
solve and ignore what I suggest below.)
How then can we mimic the erratically structured operator
using the
When we multiply any vector into
, we must be sure that
the vector has zero-valued components to hit the columns
that correspond to missing data.
When we look at the result of multiplying the adjoint
into any vector,
we must be sure to ignore the output at the rows
corresponding to the missing data.
As we will see, both of these criteria can be met using a single loop.
The missing-data program begins by loading the
negative-filtered known data
into a residual.
Missing data should try to reduce this residual.
The iterations proceed as in
cgmeth() ,
, and
The new ingredient in the missing-data subroutine
is the simple constraint that the known data cannot be changed.
Thus, after the gradient is computed,
the components that correspond to known data values are set to zero.
# fill in missing data on 1-axis by minimizing power out of a given filter.
subroutine miss1( na, a, np, p, copy, niter)
integer iter, ip, nr, na, np, niter
real p(np) # in: known data with zeros for missing values.
# out: known plus missing data.
real copy(np) # in: copy(ip) vanishes where p(ip) is a missing value.
real a(na) # in: roughening filter
temporary real dp(np),sp(np), r(np+na-1),dr(np+na-1),sr(np+na-1)
nr = np+na-1
call contran( 0, 0, na,a, np, p, r) # r = a*p convolution
call scaleit ( -1., nr, r) # r = -r
do iter= 0, niter { # niter= number missing or less
call contran( 1, 0, na,a, np,dp, r) # dp(a,r) correlation
do ip= 1, np
if( copy(ip) != 0.) # missing data where copy(ip)==0
dp(ip) = 0. # can't change known data
call contran( 0, 0, na,a, np,dp, dr) # dr=a*dp convolution
call cgstep( iter, np,p,dp,sp, nr,r,dr,sr) # p=p+dp; r=r-dr
return; end
That prevents changes to the known data by motion any distance along the gradient. Likewise, motion along previous steps cannot perturb the known data values. Hence, the CG method (finding the minimum power in the plane spanned by the gradient and the previous step) leads to minimum power while respecting the constraints.