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Numerical computation of search directions

To test the method presented in the previous section, I computed the gradient of the objective functions for two synthetic data sets. The first assumes a uniform slowness error, whereas the second assumes a localized velocity error. In both cases the correct velocity was constant and equal to 1 km/s. Both sets of experiments were computed assuming 50 shots at the surface (actually at 50 meters depth) spaced 80 meters apart, and the receiver array at a depth of 950 meters. The data modeled with a uniform slowness error were recorded by a split-spread array of 512 receivers spaced 10 meters apart, whereas the data modeled with a localized velocity error were recorded by a split-spread array of 720 receivers spaced 10 meters apart. In both cases, the receiver array was moving along with the shots, to maintain a uniform offset coverage for each shot. For the sake of clarity, for all the cases the figures display the search directions instead of the gradients. Also notice that I am showing separately the search directions computed for each term of the proposed objective function, without showing their sum. At the moment of writing this report, I am not confident of the relative scaling between the gradient computed for the local objective function and the gradient computed for the global one.

Figure 1.
Search direction computed using conventional full-waveform inversion with a positive small ($ 0.1 \%$ ) uniform slowness error: a) slowness perturbations and b) slowness perturbations averaged over the horizontal direction.
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Figure 2.
Search direction computed using conventional full-waveform inversion with a positive large ($ 8.0 \%$ ) uniform slowness error: a) slowness perturbations and b) slowness perturbations averaged over the horizontal direction.
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