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Update: Welfare Restructuring

March 10, 1997

TIA has sucessfully gathered over 3,000 signatures on the attached statement of concern regarding welfare restructuring. This overwhelmingly surpassed our goal of reaching 1,000. More than 1,000 clergy members have already signed the statement of concern as well as more than 2,000 lay people. If you have not yet signed and returned your statement via fax, email or US mail, plese do so ASAP. If you have signed it, please make copies of the attached unsigned statement and forward it to your friends and colleagues.

Thank you for your assistance in this urgent matter.

Please post and distribute the following message as widely as possible

TO: Friends and Colleagues
FR: The Interfaith Alliance
RE: Statement of Concern Regarding Welfare Restructuring

The New Year will bring us many new challenges as we face the increasingly dire impact of last fall's welfare overhaul legislation. Not only will children, their parents, disabled adults, and legal as well as illegal immigrants lose services and basic financial assistance;
they will lose something far more valuable: hope. One of the central premises of these changes in the welfare system is that the religious community is able to provide a staggering list of services to a burgeoning population no longer eligible for government programs. We cannot, for the sake of those whose well-being depends on these
services, allow this misconception to go unchallenged.

We will deliver the attached Statement of Concern along with a list of signers to the President and the Congressional leadership in January, 1997. We hope you will join us, the Board of The Interfaith Alliance, our 109 local Alliances and scores of other concerned clergy and active lay persons by signing your name. You can help further by copying the
statement and returning the signatures of at least five of your colleagues in the religious community as well. At any rate, please distribute as widely as possible. Thank you!

Please return all signed and completely filled out documents by January 16, 1997 to
The Interfaith Alliance, 1511 K Street, NW, Suite 738,
Washington, DC 20005, Attn: Amber Khan.

If you can, please fax the completed sheets to (202)639-6375.

Together, we can and must take a stand on behalf of the nation's disadvantaged. Please join us!

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