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·Religious Coercion Amendment re-introduced in Congress
Read a message from TIA's President concerning the protection of our diverse faiths.
·The Light
The Winter 1997 edition of TIA's newsletter is now online.
·Walter Cronkite Endorses The Interfaith Alliance --
Esteemed newsman jump starts TIA's membership drive.

·Join TIA's Email List
·For frequent updates on our activities and other items of interest, please send email to:
·The message should read:
subscribe interfaith-alliance

  • Find out how to join The Interfaith Alliance's national network of citizens concerned about religious political extremists.

The Interfaith Alliance Foundation

The Interfaith Alliance Foundation provides education to the public about the positive role of religion in public life.

The Interfaith Alliance
1511 K Street, NW
Suite 738
Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: (202) 639-6370
FAX: (202) 639-6375
This site was created for
The Interfaith Alliance by

An Infoseek Select Site