Candidate Pledge of Civility

I affirm the positive role that religion plays in the democratic process, acknowledging that religion best contributes to our public life when it works for reconciliation, inspires common effort, promotes community and responsibility, and upholds the dignity of all human beings.
I repudiate the use of religion as a weapon to demonize those whose religious or political beliefs are different from mine and I will challenge anyone or any organization asserting that a particular candidate is sanctioned by God.
I repudiate any campaign tactics and will refuse any campaign contributions from organizations or individuals who practice or advocate exclusion or intolerance. I will conduct my campaign without any appeal to prejudice or discrimination. And I will defend the right of every qualified U.S. citizen to participate fully in the electoral process without fear or intimidation.
Our shared values teach us that we all have inherent worth as individuals and that we must work together in community in taking responsibility for ourselves and each other. It is in the spirit of these values that I take this pledge.
Candidate Name __________________________________
Signature ________________________________________
Office Sought _____________________________________
Date ____________________________________________

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