Letter to Candidates Concerning Pledge of Civility

September 12, 1996
Dear Candidates:
The Interfaith Alliance is an organization of mainstream people of faith representing a diverse spectrum of religious and political traditions. We emerged out of our common concern that our public debate regarding the direction of our nation has become increasingly uncivil and negative. Too often religion is used as a weapon in the public debate.
We believe that it is critical that those seeking public office provide leadership in promoting a more civil and tolerant society. Just as we look to religious leaders in our nation to ensure that religion is a healing force rather than a source of division, we look to public officials to uphold the principle of civility in their words and actions. Religion and politics have always intersected in American public life and we at The Interfaith Alliance celebrate America’s great tradition of religious and political diversity.
We are asking you to work with us this campaign season in helping to restore civility to the public debate. Attached you will find our Candidate Pledge of Civility. We are asking candidates for federal, state, and local offices like yourself to take this Pledge and send a message to voters that you are committed to restoring civility in the political process. The Pledge asks you among other things not to use religion as a weapon and not to appeal to intolerance and prejudice as means of generating support for your campaign.
This pledge will be a part of our public education activities. These include voter guides, public forums, and letters to the editor. We very much hope you will participate in this very important step in The Interfaith Alliance’s efforts to restore civility to the public debate. Please sign and return the Pledge by September 27, 1996 in the enclosed envelope. Please direct any questions to our staff at (202)639-6370.
Albert M. Pennybacker

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