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The theory of inverse linear interpolation with a known filter is given in Applications of Three-Dimensional Filtering Claerbout (1994), section 2.6, and can be easily extended to the 2-D case. The algorithm is based on the following procedure. To invert the data vector ${\bf d}$ given on an irregular grid for a regularly sampled model ${\bf m}$, we run the conjugate-gradient solver on the system of equations  
{\bf d \approx Lm\;,
}\end{displaymath} (1)
{\bf 0 \approx \epsilon \, Am\;.
}\end{displaymath} (2)
Equation (1) formulates the basic assumption of the method, stating that the data is related to the model with a linear interpolation operator $\bold{L}$. The next equation (2) is required to constrain an underdetermined part of the inverse problem. Minimizing the output power of the model filtered by some roughening filter $\bold{A}$ is a way to smooth the model components that are not determined by equation (1). Laplacian filter of the form  
{\bf A}=
{\vert c\vert c\vert c\vert}
 .... \ \hline
1 & -4 & 1 \ \hline
. & 1 & . \ \hline\end{array}\end{displaymath} (3)
is a conventional choice for smoothing in two dimensions.

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