 | Wave-equation tomography by beam focusing |  |
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Next: Gradient of the objective
Up: Biondi: Beam wave-equation tomography
Previous: Introduction
In this section I develop the general theory
for a transmission tomography problem
because it is simpler than reflection tomography.
In transmission tomography,
the data are recorded after only one propagation path through the medium,
as opposed to the downgoing and upgoing paths of
a typical reflection tomography problems.
Furthermore, in transmission tomography there is no need to
image and locate reflectors in depth,
which is a major hurdle in reflection tomography.
However, the application to reflection tomography
of the theory presented in this paper should be fairly straightforward.
I propose to solve the transmission tomography
problem by maximizing an objective function based on
the correlation between recorded data and modeled data.
This correlation is analogous to the
correlation between source and receiver wavefields
required by migration imaging condition.
To further simplify the theoretical development,
I define an objective function that rewards consistency of the
correlation computed independently for each source location.
The objective function measures correlation consistency
along the receiver axis.
However, I use here the receiver axis as a proxy for the
offset axis or the aperture-angle axis in reflection tomography.
The application of the concepts developed in this paper to
objective functions useful in reflection tomography
should be straightforward, although it will require more complex
notation and result in expressions for the gradients even
more complex than the ones presented here.
I define the recorded data as
and the modeled data as
is the recording time,
is the receiver coordinate,
is the source coordinate,
is the slowness model
defined in depth
and along
the horizontal coordinate
The cross-correlation
the recorded data and the modeled data
is defined as a function of the correlation time lag
(A-1) |
I introduce an objective function
that maximizes the flatness of the correlation function
along the receiver axis for all values of the lag
In particular, I aim to maximize local correlation flatness
after subdividing the receiver array
into local subarrays.
To extract the correlation for each subarray
centered at
I apply a local beam-decomposition
Within in each subarray,
traces are defined by the local offset
The dimensions of each
are thus
Given a background slowness
we can compute the correlation
in equation 1.
In each subarray,
the correlation can be flattened
by the application of
moveout operators
that is
![$\displaystyle C\left({\tau}+ {\theta}\left({\boldsymbol \mu}_{\overline{x}}\rig...
...rline{x}}\right) ,{\bf B}_{\overline{x}} C\left({\tau};{s}_{0}\right) \right] ,$](img29.png) |
(A-2) |
are the moveout parameters
are the corresponding time shifts.
I further define the local stacking operator
that sums the correlation
traces along the local offset axis
I can now introduce the first, and local, term of the objective function
that measures the flatness of the correlation
within each subarray as:
![$\displaystyle {J_{\rm Local}}\left( {\boldsymbol \mu}_{\overline{x}}\left({s}\r...
...) ,{\bf B}_{\overline{x}} C\left({\tau};{s}_{0}\right) \right] \right\Vert^2_2.$](img33.png) |
(A-3) |
This objective function is not a direct function
of the slowness
but it depends indirectly from it through
the moveout parameters
These parameters are the solutions of
fitting problems, one for each subarray and source location.
These auxiliary objective functions measure the zero lag
of the cross-correlation between the correlation computed
for a realization of the slowness function
and the moved-out correlation computed with the background slowness
where with the notation
I indicate the inner product of the vectors
This inner product spans the time-lag axis
and the local offset axis
The local moveout parameters are the solutions of the following
maximization problem:
(A-5) |
For velocity estimation,
the most effective parametrization of the moveout within
each beam is the curvature
that defines the following moveout equation
(A-6) |
Notice that when the slowness is equal to the background slowness
the corresponding best-fitting moveout parameters
are obviously the ones corresponding to no moveout; that is,
As the numerical examples I show in the next section demonstrate,
the beam curvature is effective to capture the
long-wavelength perturbations in the velocity model,
but is less effective to
capture the short-wavelength perturbations.
Accordingly, a wave-equation tomography based solely on the
objective function 3
may have difficulties to estimate short-wavelength velocity perturbations.
To address this shortcoming I introduce a second, and global, term to
the objective function.
This term measures flatness across the subarrays,
after the local moveouts have been applied,
and is defined as,
![$\displaystyle {J_{\rm Global}}\left( {\boldsymbol \mu}\left({s}\right) \right) ...
...}_{\overline{x}} C\left({\tau};{s}_{0}\right) \right] \right\} \right\Vert^2_2,$](img47.png) |
(A-7) |
assembles all the results
of the stacking over the subarrays into a global array,
is a global stacking operator,
is a global moveout operator
function of the vector of parameter
They both operate on the result of the local stacking of the
As in the previous case, the moveout parameters are solutions
fitting problems, one for each source location.
Similarly, these auxiliary objective functions measure the zero lag
of the cross-correlation between the local
stack of the correlation computed using the current slowness function
and the local stack of the moved-out correlation computed
using the background slowness;
that is,
![$\displaystyle \langle
\mathcal M\left\{
{\theta}\left({\boldsymbol \mu}\right...
,{\bf B}_{\overline{x}}
\rangle.$](img54.png) |
(A-8) |
In this case the inner product spans only the time-lag axis
The global moveout parameters are the solutions of the following
maximization problems
(A-9) |
I chose to parametrize the global moveout
as simple time shifts for each beam center
that is, the moveout equation is
(A-10) |
Notice that with this choice of moveout parameters
each maximization problem in 9
is an ensemble of
independent problems.
This consideration becomes important when computing the gradient
of the objective function.
Combining the objective function in 3
and in 7 we define the maximization
problem that we solve to estimate slowness:
![$\displaystyle \max_{{s}} \left[ {J_{\rm Local}}\left( {\boldsymbol \mu}_{\overl...
...silon {J_{\rm Global}}\left( {\boldsymbol \mu}\left({s}\right) \right) \right],$](img57.png) |
(A-11) |
where the parameter
can be tuned to find an
optimal relative scaling
between the local and global components,
although in principle
should be effective.
 | Wave-equation tomography by beam focusing |  |
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Next: Gradient of the objective
Up: Biondi: Beam wave-equation tomography
Previous: Introduction