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Interpolation theory

Mathematical interpolation theory considers a function f, defined on a regular grid N. The problem is to find f in a continuum that includes N. I am not defining the dimensionality of N and f here because it is not essential for the derivations. Furthermore, I am not specifying the exact meaning of ``regular grid,'' since it will become clear from the analysis that follows. The function f is assumed to belong to a Hilbert space with a defined dot product.

If we restrict our consideration to a linear case, the desired solution will take the following general form  
 f (x) = \sum_{n \in N} W (x, n) f (n)\;,\end{displaymath} (26)
where x is a point from the continuum, and W (x, n) is a linear weight function that can take both positive and negative values. If the grid N itself is considered as continuous, the sum in formula ([*]) transforms to an integral in dn. Two general properties of the linear weighting function W (x, n) are evident from formula ([*]).

Property 9334

 W (n, n) = 1\;.\end{displaymath} (27)

Equality ([*]) is necessary to assure that the interpolation of a single spike at some point n does not change the value f (n) at the spike.

Property 9338

 \sum_{n \in N} W (x, n) = 1\;.\end{displaymath} (28)

This property is the normalization condition. Formula ([*]) assures that interpolation of a constant function f(n) remains constant.

One classic example of the interpolation weight W (x, n) is the Lagrange polynomial, which has the form  
 W (x, n) = \prod_{i \neq n} \frac{(x-i)}{(n-i)}\;.\end{displaymath} (29)
The Lagrange interpolation provides a unique polynomial, which goes exactly through the data points f (n)[*]. The local 1-point Lagrange interpolation is equivalent to the nearest-neighbor interpolation, defined by the formula  
 W (x, n) = \left\{\begin{array}
1, & \mbox{for} & n - 1/2 \leq x < n + 1/2 \\ 0, & \mbox{otherwise} &\end{array}\right.\end{displaymath} (30)
Likewise, the local 2-point Lagrange interpolation is equivalent to the linear interpolation, defined by the formula  
 W (x, n) = \left\{\begin{array}
1 - \vert x-n\vert, &...
 ...- 1 \leq x < n + 1 \\ 0, & \mbox{otherwise} &\end{array}\right.\end{displaymath} (31)

Because of their simplicity, the nearest-neighbor and linear interpolation methods are very practical and easy to apply. Their accuracy is, however, limited and may be inadequate for interpolating high-frequency signals. The shapes of interpolants ([*]) and ([*]) and their spectra are plotted in Figures [*] and [*]. The spectral plots show that both interpolants act as low-pass filters, preventing the high-frequency energy from being correctly interpolated.

Figure 1
Nearest-neighbor interpolant (left) and its spectrum (right).
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Figure 2
Linear interpolant (left) and its spectrum (right).
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The Lagrange interpolants of higher order correspond to more complicated polynomials. Another popular practical approach is cubic convolution Keys (1981). The cubic convolution interpolant is a local piece-wise cubic function:  
 W (x, n) = \left\{\begin{array}
3/2 \vert x-n\vert^3 ...
 ...\vert x-n\vert < 2 \\ 0, & \mbox{otherwise} &\end{array}\right.\end{displaymath} (32)
The shapes of interpolant ([*]) and its spectrum are plotted in Figure [*].

Figure 3
Cubic-convolution interpolant (left) and its spectrum (right).
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I compare the accuracy of different forward interpolation methods on a one-dimensional signal shown in Figure [*]. The ideal signal has an exponential amplitude decay and a quadratic frequency increase from the center towards the edges. It is sampled at a regular 50-point grid and interpolated to 500 regularly sampled locations. The interpolation result is compared with the ideal one. Figures [*] and [*] show the interpolation error steadily decreasing as we proceed from 1-point nearest-neighbor to 2-point linear and 4-point cubic-convolution interpolation. At the same time, the cost of interpolation grows proportionally to the interpolant length.

Figure 4
One-dimensional test signal. Top: ideal. Bottom: sampled at 50 regularly spaced points. The bottom plot is the input in a forward interpolation test.
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Figure 5
Interpolation error of the nearest-neighbor interpolant (dashed line) compared to that of the linear interpolant (solid line).
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Figure 6
Interpolation error of the linear interpolant (dashed line) compared to that of the cubic convolution interpolant (solid line).
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