

  • My PhD thesis (SEP 121) title is "Multidimensional Seismic Noise Attenuation". You can look at the html or the pdf version.



Contacts  Return to top



Tel: 650-224-6946 (cell)

Address: 723 Menlo Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025    

Education Return to top              


                                    Ph.D. Stanford University, 09/1998-09/2005

·        Ph.D in exploration seismic within the Stanford Exploration Project.

·        Thesis: Multidimensional Seismic Noise Attenuation.

·        Advisor: Jon Claerbout.

                                    M.Sc. Stanford University, 09/1998-06/2000

·        M.Sc. Geophysics with the Stanford Exploration Project.

·        Advisor: Jon Claerbout.

                                    M.Sc. Ecole de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg, 1993-1996

·        Engineering diploma and D.E.A in Geophysics (M.Sc.) with honors.

Experience Return to top


                                    3DGeo Inc., Santa Clara, California, 2007-present

·        Vice President R&D

                                    3DGeo Development Inc., Santa Clara, California, 2005-2007

·        Senior Geophysicist

Stanford University, Stanford, California, 2005-present

·        Consulting professor in Geophysics

Stanford University, Stanford, California, 1998-2005

·        Research Assistant, SEP

·        Research on coherent noise attenuation, robust optimization criteria (L1 and Huber norms) and migration issues (migration of multiples).

Chevron, San Ramon, California, 2003

·        Summer Intern

·        Worked in the imaging and velocity group.

Schlumberger Cambridge Research Lab, England, 2002

·        Summer Intern

·        Worked on coherent noise attenuation techniques for land data.

Delft University, Delft, The Netherlands, 2001

·        Research Assistant

·        Exchange student with the DELPHI consortium sponsored by the SMAART Joint Venture.

·        Worked on internal multiples elimination with the L1 norm and on the migration of multiples.

CGG, Massy Palaiseau, France, 1999

·        Summer Intern

·        Worked on internal multiples elimination.

·        Co-developed a related batch in Geovecteur (CGG processing software).

CGG, Houston, USA, 1997-1998

·        Research Assistant

·        Worked on new techniques for surface-related multiples attenuation in the Gulf of Mexico.

·        Worked on the AVO of converted waves.

IFP, Reuil Malmaison, France, 1996-1997

·        Research Assistant

·        Worked on true amplitude migration of well data (walkaways and VSPs).


Professional Activities Return to top


                                    2006-present: Special Editor for Geophysics (SEG)

1998-present: Member SEG

                                    1998-present: Member EAGE

Awards Return to top


SEG Clarence Karcher award, 2007 (outstanding young geophysicists).

EAGE Arie Van Weelden award, 2004 (outstanding young geophysicists).

SEG best student paper, 1999.


Computer Skills Return to top


Programming in Fortran 77 and 90, C, Matlab, python.

Unix, Windows, Red Hat (Linux).

Administrator of 30 Linux boxes at the Stanford Exploration Project.


Languages Return to top


French (native speaker).

English (8 years in USA).    

Spanish (6 years at school).




Publications  Return to top


Conferences            SEP Reports


          Peer review publications:


2007    2006    2005    2004    2003


2007 Return to publications


2006 Return to publications



2005 Return to publications



2004 Return to publications



2003 Return to publications



          Conferences and other publications: Return to publications


2006     2005     2004     2003     2002    2001     1999     1998



  • A. Guitton, B. Kaelin, F. Ortigosa, D. Bevc, C. A. Fernandez, J. Higginbotham, B. Fontecha  and J. M. Cela, 2007, 3D Modeling and Migration of a Wide-Azimuth Towed Streamer Survey, SBGF conference, extended abstract.
  • Jesse Lomask and Antoine Guitton, 2007, Volumetric Flattening: an interpretation tool, The Leading Edge, 26, 888.
  • Antoine Guitton, Francisco Ortigosa and Bruno Kaelin, 2007, 3D Migration of a Simulated Wide-Azimuth Tomed Streamer Survey, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 26, 2310-2313.
  • Antoine Guitton, Francisco Ortigosa and Bruno Kaelin, 2007, Imaging methods in complex overburden, EAGE conference, extended abstract, C023.
  • Bruno Kaelin, Antoine Guitton and Francisco Ortigosa, 2007, Illumination Effects in Reverse Time Migration, EAGE conference, extended abstract, P285.
  • Dimitri Bevc, Francisco Ortigosa, Antoine Guitton and Bruno Kaelin, 2007, Next Generation Seismic Imaging: High Fidelity Algorithms and High-End Computing, AGU General Assembly, Acapulco.

2006 Return to conferences


2005 Return to conferences



2004 Return to conferences



2003 Return to conferences



2002 Return to conferences



2001 Return to conferences



1999 Return to conferences



1998 Return to conferences




Stanford Exploration Project annual reports: Return to publications


SEP 124    SEP 123    SEP 120    SEP 117    SEP 115    SEP 114    SEP 113    SEP 111    SEP 108    SEP 105    SEP 103    SEP 100


SEP 125


  • G. Alvarez and A. Guitton,  Simultaneous adaptive matching of primaries and multiples with non-stationary filters: SEP-125,  61-76.

SEP 124 Return to report


  • J. Lomask and A. Guitton, Flattening with geological constraints: SEP-124, 105-114.

SEP 123 Return to report


  • A. Valenciano, B. Biondi, and A. Guitton, Target-oriented wave-equation inversion: Sigsbee model: SEP-123, 83-91.


SEP 120 Return to report


  • A. Valenciano, B. Biondi, and A. Guitton, Target-oriented wave-equation inversion: SEP-120, 23-40.
  • A. Guitton, Sparse radon transforms with a bound-constrained approach: SEP-120, 387-394.
  • A. Guitton, J. Lomask, and S. Fomel, Non-linear estimation of vertical delays with a quasi-Newton method: SEP-120, 167-178.
  • C. K. Wilson and A. Guitton, Interpolation and signal extraction of teleseismic wavefields with the linear radon transform: SEP-120, 197-216.
  • J. Lomask, A. Guitton, and A. Valenciano, Flattening without picking faults: SEP-120, 159-166.
  • J. Lomask, A. Guitton, S. Fomel, and J. Claerbout, Update on flattening without picking: SEP-120, 137-158.
  • B. Artman and A. Guitton, Removal of linear events with combined radon transforms: SEP-120, 395-406.
  • D. A. Rosales and A. Guitton, Multiple attenuation: Data space vs. image space--A real data example: SEP-120, 375-386.


SEP 117 Return to report


  • A. Guitton, Bound constrained optimization: application to the dip estimation problem: SEP-117, 51-62.


SEP 115 Return to report



SEP 114 Return to report


  • A. Valenciano, M. Brown, M. D. Sacchi, and A. Guitton, Interval velocity estimation using edge-preserving regularization: SEP-114, 136-150.


SEP 113 Return to report


  • A. Guitton, A comparison of three multiple-attenuation methods for a Gulf of Mexico dataset: SEP-113, 1-16.
  • P. Sava and A. Guitton, Multiple attenuation in the image space: SEP-113, 31-44.
  • S. Haines, A. Guitton, and P. Sava, Multiple suppression in the angle domain with non-stationary prediction-error filters: SEP-113, 45-56.
  • A. Guitton, Multiple attenuation with multidimensional prediction-error filters: SEP-113, 57-74.
  • A. Guitton, Amplitude balanced PEF estimation: SEP-113, 261-276.
  • S. Haines and A. Guitton, Coherent noise suppression in electroseismic data with non-stationary prediction-error filters: SEP-113, 277-284.
  • A. Guitton, Subtraction versus filtering for signal/noise separation: SEP-113, 285-290.
  • A. Guitton, Amplitude and kinematic corrections of migrated images for non-unitary imaging operators: SEP-113, 349-362.
  • A. Guitton and J. Claerbout, Interpolation of bathymetry data from the Sea of Galilee: A noise attenuation problem: SEP-113, 399-416.


SEP 111 Return to report


  • A. Guitton, Shot-profile migration of multiple reflections: SEP-111, 17-33.
  • A. Valenciano, B. Biondi, and A. Guitton, Multidimensional imaging condition for shot profile migration: SEP-111, 71-81.
  • A. Guitton and E. Verschuur, Adaptive subtraction of multiples with the l1-norm: SEP-111,157-171.
  • A. Guitton, A hybrid adaptive subtraction method: SEP-111, 171-183.
  • S. Haines and A. Guitton, Removal of coherent noise from electroseismic data: SEP-111, 183-201.
  • A. Guitton, Theoretical aspects of noise attenuation: SEP-111, 201-207.


SEP 108 Return to report


  • A. Guitton, Coherent noise attenuation: A synthetic and field example: SEP-108, 225-248.
  • A. Guitton, M. Brown, J. Rickett, and R. Clapp, A pattern-based technique for ground-roll and multiple attenuation: SEP-108, 249-274.
  • A. Guitton, Solutions to data and operator aliasing with the parabolic radon transform: SEP-108, 283-296.
  • J. Rickett, A. Guitton, and D. Gratwick, Adaptive multiple subtraction with non-stationary helical shaping filters: SEP-108, 275-282.


SEP 105 Return to report


  • A. Guitton, Coherent noise attenuation using Inverse Problems and Prediction Error Filters: SEP-105, 27-48.
  • J. Rickett and A. Guitton, Multi-dimensional Fourier transforms in the helical coordinate system: SEP-105, 167-176.


SEP 103 Return to report


  • A. Guitton, Prestack multiple attenuation using the hyperbolic Radon transform: SEP-103, 181-201.
  • A. Guitton, Huber solver versus IRLS algorithm for quasi L1 inversion: SEP-103, 255-271.
  • A. Guitton, Implementation of a nonlinear solver for minimizing the Huber norm: SEP-103, 281-289.


SEP 100 Return to report


  • Guitton and W. W. Symes, Robust and stable velocity analysis using the Huber function: SEP-100, 293-314.