The output of the transient convolution program has the length larger than the length of the input. In many applications, it is convenient to set the two lengths equal to each other. Reformulating the convolution operator allows us to relate the output space to the input space and deal appropriately with the convolution end effects. The Fortran 90 implementation is in module icai1 ( Internal Convolution, Adjoint is the Input 1-D).
real, dimension (:), pointer, private :: b
integer, private :: lg, nb, nx, y1, y2
subroutine icai1_init (filter, nd, lag)
real, dimension (:), pointer :: filter
integer, intent (in) :: nd
integer, optional, intent (in) :: lag
integer :: na
b => filter ; nb = size (b) ; nx = nd
if (present (lag)) then
lg = lag
lg = 1
end if
y1 = nb + 1 - lg
y2 = nx + 1 - lg
end subroutine icai1_init
function icai1_op (adj, add, x, y) result (stat)
integer :: stat
logical, intent (in) :: adj, add
real, dimension (:) :: x, y
integer :: i, x1, x2
call adjnull (adj, add, x, y)
do i = 1, nb
x1 = nb + 1 - i
x2 = nx + 1 - i
if (adj) then
x (x1 : x2) = x (x1 : x2) + b (i) * y (y1 : y2)
y (y1 : y2) = y (y1 : y2) + b (i) * x (x1 : x2)
end if
end do
stat = 0
end function icai1_op
end module icai1
module icai1
use adj_mod
The lag parameter lag, saved at the initialization step to the private variable lg, defines how the output of the operator aligns with the input. The end effects of transient and internal convolutions are compared in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Example of convolution end effects. From top to bottom: (1) input; (2) filter; (3) output of tcai1(), (4) output of icai1() with ( lag=1). | ![]() |