The filter (1+Z)/2 is a running average of two adjacent time points.
Applying this filter N times yields the filter (1+Z)N/2N.
The coefficients of the filter (1+Z)N are generally known as
Pascal's triangle.
For large N the coefficients tend to a mathematical limit
known as a Gaussian function,
, where
and t0 are constants that we will not determine here.
We will not prove it here,
but this Gaussian-shaped signal
has a Fourier transform that also has a Gaussian shape,
.The Gaussian shape is often called a ``bell shape.''
Figure 7 shows an example for
.Note that, except for the rounded ends,
the bell shape seems a good fit to a triangle function.
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Curiously, the filter (.75+.25Z)N also tends to the same Gaussian but with a different t0. A mathematical theorem says that almost any polynomial raised to the N-th power yields a Gaussian.
In seismology we generally fail to observe the zero frequency. Thus the idealized seismic pulse cannot be a Gaussian. An analytic waveform of longstanding popularity in seismology is the second derivative of a Gaussian, also known as a ``Ricker wavelet.''
Starting from the Gaussian and multiplying by (1-Z)2=1-2Z+Z2 produces this old, favorite wavelet, shown in Figure 8.
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