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TIA Web Site Wins Award

Internet Publishing recently selected The Interfaith Alliance's World Wide Web home page as "The Political Site of the Day." Since its establishment on the Web in early September, TIA's web site has allowed thousands of people to access information about faith and politics, to learn about TIA's growing network of local and state alliances, and to share ideas about effective ways to counter the Christian Coalition and other radical right groups. TIA's web site also provides individuals with easy access to TIA's literature and its bi-monthly newsletter, The Light.

By accessing TIA's web site, interested activists can download a variety of useful materials dealing with the ongoing activities of the radical right. One example of this is a comprehensive fifty-page analysis of the Christian Coalition which details their legislative and organizational activities. Other examples include the various organizing packets which deal with specific issues promoted by the radical right, such as mandatory prayer in public schools. The most popular part of the site, however, is the section which contains direct quotes from Christian Coalition leaders such as Founder and President Pat Robertson and Executive Director Ralph Reed. These quotes deal with subjects ranging from church-state issues to their stealth campaign tactics.

"We are using the most sophisticated technology available to counter the radical religious right" stated Jill Hanauer, Executive Director of The Interfaith Alliance. "Americans are hungry for an alternative voice to the Christian Coalition and that's just what the Interfaith Alliance provides. Millions of Americans are becoming politically involved over the Internet, and we are providing them with the information and tools they need to counter the radical right."

In addition, The Interfaith Alliance will soon become a content provider on the Policy Street section of The Microsoft Network (MSN). Policy Street is the forum on MSN devoted to public policy, featuring the world's leading think tanks, advocacy groups and public policy analysts. Find Policy Street in both Politics and Interest Groups Sections within MSN's Public Affairs category, or search "policy" using MSN's Find or Go tools. Access to Policy Street will soon be available through the World Wide Web.

The Light's Table of Contents

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