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Christians Speak Out in Dallas: TIA Board Member Leads Colloquium "Countering the Religious Right"

On May 30 in Dallas, Texas, TIA Board member Dr. Foy Valentine convened the Maston Colloquium on "Countering the Radical Religious Right." Those who participated in the colloquium identified themselves as "a company of American Christians who are committed to the integrity of our churches, the welfare of our country, and the strengthening of the moral fiber of our people." They also affirmed their common belief that there is a "desperate need for love instead of hate in our churches and in our body politic."

Much of the blame for the hate engulfing our churches and our politics was laid squarely at the feet of the radical religious right. According to participants, the "distortions, misstatements, revisions, and myths of the Radical Religious Right" have contributed to a situation in which the openness of the political process and the integrity of religious faith itself are severely threatened. "Unethical tactics" such as stealth candidates, deceptive voter guides, and "browbeating" political opponents have poisoned the public dialogue and undermined the radical right's claim to be the voice of "Christian morality." This being the case, the group urged all Christians to speak out against the tactics of the radical religious right, especially its "shameless identification of Christianity with one extreme wing of a single political party." (Source: Baptist Press)

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