Who is The Interfaith Alliance Foundation?

The Interfaith Alliance Foundation is a nonpartisan, educational institution dedicated to promoting the positive role of religion as a healing and constructive force in American life.
By stressing the values of community, civility, and cooperation, TIAF seeks to move beyond the traditional "right/left" arguments and find common grounds in the nation's search for the common good. Forums, seminars, publications, and community projects, TIAF promotes the active participation of all citizens in a values based approach to productive civic dialogue and humane public policy.
Our activities include:
  • Celebrating the richness and diversity of religious life in America.
  • Educating the public about the important historic role religion has played in America's history.
  • Examining the ways in which faith and values influence public policy. Helping all citizens, but especially people of faith, to be more constructively involved in civic life.

Our Board of Directors

Denise Davidoff
Unitarian Universalist Association
Reverend Dr. Herbert D. Valentine
Former Moderator 
Presbyterian Church, USA
Dr. Robert Bellah
Elliot Professor of Sociology
University of California, Berkeley
Reverend Dr. William Chris Hobgood
Regional Minister, Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ) - Capitol Area

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