The Challenge: Polarization and Division

Americans are witnessing a dangerous deterioration of the character and quality of civil life. With each new political season, attempts at constructive dialogue are marred by divisive rhetoric, manipulative tactics, and a mean-spirited intolerance. Instead of a much needed conversation about our common life together, we hear dehumanizing diatribes about those who are different and unscrupulous scapegoating of the most vulnerable. Such poisonous talk has contributed to an unhealthy environment in which it is increasingly difficult for people of good will to engage in an and honest exchange of ideas.

Particularly disturbing to people of faith is the way religion has been used in this process. Powerful organizations have manipulated religion for political purposes and claimed to speak for all people of faith when promoting their partisan agendas. In the name of religion, they have dishonestly distorted the views of others and demonised those with whom they disagree. Such irresponsible use of religious language violates the values of civility and mutual respect which undergird our democratic system, and threatens to undermine the integrity of religious faith himself.

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