TIA Logo The Interfaith Alliance

Why is The Interfaith Alliance such an effective voice?

TIA's 109 state and local Alliances consist of mainstream clergy, laity and other concerned citizens who are working to ensure that religious political extremists do not have the only voice regarding the direction of our nation. These activities include:
Shining the Light on Extremism
State and local Alliances shine the light on stealth candidates and their supporters. They conduct voter education -- including the distribution of voter guides -- to ensure that voters know the real agenda of candidates running for local, state and federal offices.
Public Education and Voter Mobilization
State and local Alliances are holding public forums to educate their communities on the agenda and tactics of religious political extremists. Alliances are holding educational events to ensure their voices are hard in public policy debates, and they are mobilizing ALL Americans to vote.
Monitoring and Responding
State and local Alliances are monitoring our country's governing bodies -- from local school boards to Congress -- to ensure that religious political extremists do not use religion as a weapon to impose their narrow divisive agenda on our communities.
Providing a National Voice
TIA's national Board of Directors consists of mainstream national religious leaders who provide an authentic interfaith voice on the national level. Their message has reached millions of Americans through television, newspaper and radiointerviews. They work to ensure that an alternative faith-based voice is heard in the ongoing dialogue regarding the future of our nation.

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