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The Road to Renewal: Press Release

July 15, 1996
Jon Paone (202) 639-6370
"Road to Renewal"
Religious Leaders Launch National Effort
to Educate, Motivate and Mobilize
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Interfaith Alliance (TIA), a grassroots coalition of mainstream people of faith, today took the first steps on its "Road to Renewal," launching an ambitious nationwide effort of voter education and mobilization to restore values, strengthen families, build community and challenge religious political extremists.
"We are here today not to just put our faith into words, but to put our words into action. We are here today to inspire others to action," stated Rev. Albert Pennybacker, Chairman of The Interfaith Alliance as he unveiled the campaign plan at Foundry United Methodist Church. "Today we take the first step on what we are calling our "Road to Renewal" -- to restore values, strengthen families, rebuild communities -- to renew our faith and our nation; to challenge those who use faith as a wedge instead of a welcome."
The Road to Renewal will bring TIA's national religious leaders all across America to local TIA chapters and the national party conventions to help empower mainstream people of faith. TIA's 109 chapters will distribute millions of voter guides, hold candidates to a "Pledge of Civility" and educate the public on the political agenda of religious political extremists.
"Today when you think of religion and politics you almost automatically come up with the names Pat Robertson, Ralph Reed and the Christian Coalition. You think of the religious right, and its divisive, exclusionary political message. Those people do no represent me, neither in faith or in politics," stated Terry Anderson, former AP correspondent, bestselling author of Den of Lions which chronicles his seven years as a hostage in Beirut and current chair of TIA's Advisory Board.
The Interfaith Alliance is a national faith-based organization with chapters in 35 states and over 30,000 members from more than 30 different faith communities. TIA draws on shared religious principles to promote the positive role of religion in public life, while challenging those who manipulate religion to push a partisan and destructive political agenda.
"The Interfaith Alliance will work for our shared vision of a better America - an America that defends freedom, strengthens families and extends greater opportunities to all citizens," stated Roman Catholic Bishop Francis Murphy, Board Member of TIA.

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