TIA Logo The Interfaith Alliance

Statement by Bishop Frederick Calhoun James

July 15, 1996
Washington, DC

The Interfaith Alliance has come into being to focus upon the breadth of Faith in America - to witness to the common values which run like a ribbon through the fabric of this broad faith - to disavow the ability of a narrow definition of one Faith to speak for the many - and to affirm an Interfaith Commitment to the families and family values of the United States of America.

We, of The Interfaith Alliance perceive of the support of family values in terms of strengthening families, ensuring opportunity, honoring freedom, and recognizing we are all part of one community and all must share a respect for that community.

The Interfaith Alliance will publicly challenge any candidate or political organization that implicitly or explicitly claims to speak for all people of faith. We will openly counter those who, in the name of religion, ignore the basic religious principles that remind us all of responsibility to ourselves, each other, and our community. The Interfaith Alliance believes that religion best contributes to public life when it works for reconciliation, inspires common effort, promotes community and responsibility, and upholds the dignity of all human beings.

We are all part of one community and all must share a respect for that community.

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