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Florida Interfaith Alliance alerts Presidential candidates to alternative faith based voice

On Friday, November 17th, leaders of the Florida Interfaith Alliance held a press conference to speak out against the Christian Coalition's efforts to control the Republican Party. Organized in conjunction with the Florida Republican Party's "Presidency III" straw poll, the press conference featured local leaders who expressed their concerns about the growing strength of the extreme right and its efforts to push the GOP out of the mainstream of American political life. Speakers were also concerned about the Christian Coalition's manipulation of religion for partisan political purposes.

One of the speakers at the press conference was the Reverend James Armstrong, Senior Minister of the First Congregational Church of Winter Park, and co-chair of the Florida Interfaith Alliance. Speaking as a leader in the local religious community, Rev. Armstrong insisted, "The Christian Coalition does not represent the mainstream faith community in this country. It is instead using religious symbols and language to foist the agenda of the extreme right on the rest of America." Referring to the Christian Coalition's "God and Country" rally in which "friends of the family" awards were presented to those politicians who had endorsed Pat Robertson's agenda for America, Rev. Armstrong commented, "It saddens and frightens me to see major political figures bowing before and fawning over Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition."

Another speaker at the press conference had first hand knowledge of the Christian Coalition and its deplorable political tactics. Randy Wiseman, who describes himself as "a conservative Republican and a conservative Christian," became the target of right-wing attacks when he challenged the Christian Coalition's favorite candidate in his recent campaign for a seat on the Lake County School Board. Although Mr. Wiseman successfully defeated his right-wing opponent, he remains very uneasy about the way he was treated by those who supported his political opponent. According to Mr. Wiseman, "When it comes to campaigns, the Christian Coalition is similar to a gang. Its number one tool is intimidation."

The main reason for holding this press conference was best explained by the Reverend Marni Harmony who said, "We are here today as deeply committed women and men of faith who want our voices to be heard." A minister at the First Unitarian Church in Orlanda, Rev. Harmony expressed concern about the divisive way in which religion was being used by the Christian Coalition and other political organizations associated with the extreme right. Speaking on behalf of mainstream people of faith throughout Florida and across the nation, Rev. Harmony said, "We believe that religion best contributes to the public good when it works for reconciliation and healing, and acts with concern for justice."

Attempting to restore integrity to religious faith and sanity to the GOP, members of the Florida Interfaith Alliance issued an invitation to all Republican delegates to join the Florida Interfaith Alliance. This invitation, which is also extended to Democrats, Independents, and others, was published in the official program of "Presidency III."

The Light

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