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Religious Political Extremist Monitor: Quotes on Anti-Semitism

"Communism was the brainchild of German-Jewish intellectuals."-Pat Robertson (The New World Order, (1991), p.17)

Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition has spoken of Jews being "spiritually blind" and "spiritually deaf."-Pat Robertson (St. Petersburg Times, June 26, 1994)

The Rev. Billy McCormack, the Christian Coalition's Louisiana director and former member of that state's Republican Party Central Committee, refused to repudiate former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke during his campaign for governor and the U.S. Senate, saying Duke was not as much a threat as the Jews in the ACLU. -The Rev. Billy McCormack (The Religious Right: The Assault of Tolerance & Pluralism in America)

Bailey Smith, a founding father of the movement, once told 15,000 people at a Religious Roundtable briefing in Dallas, "With all due respect to those dear people, my friend, God Almighty does not hear the prayer of a Jew."-Bailey Smith (St. Petersburg Times, June 26, 1994)

The unwarranted uproar that surrounded Gov. Kirk Fordice's simple statement of fact that 'America is a Christian nation' serves as a chilling illustration of a contemporary cultural phenomenon: the 'ghettoizing' of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In Nazi Germany, Joseph Goebbels stigmatized the Jews until they were anathema in the eyes of the general public...The same thing is happening to Christians in America today..."(Editorial in Christian American, publication of the Christian Coalition, Jan. 1993)

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