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Quotes on Politics

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Pat RobertsonRalph ReedRalph ReedGuy Rodgers
"Pat Robertson's Perspective," April - May 1992The Los Angeles Times, reprinted in The Religious Right: The Assault of Tolerance & Pluralism in America, produced by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)May 1, 1990, Religious News Servicethen-national field coordinator for the Christian Coalition, The Religious Right: The Assault of Tolerance & Pluralism in America, produced by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
"The strategy aginst the Americaqn radical left should be the same as General Douglas MacArthur employed against the Japanese in the Pacific . . . bypass their strongholds, then surround them, isolate them bombard them, then blast the individuals out of their power bunkers with hand-to-hand combat. The battle for Iwo Jima was not pleasant, but our troops won it. The battle to regain the soul of America won't be pleasant either, but we will win it.""It's like guerrilla warfare....It's better to move quietly, with stealth, under cover of night. You've got two choices: You can wear cammies and shimmy along on your belly or you can put on a red coat and stand up for everyone to see. It comes down to whether you want to be the British army in the Revolutionary War or the Viet Cong. History tells us which tactic is more effective." "What Christians have got to do is take back this country, one precinct at a time, one neighborhood at a time and one state at a time...." "We don't have to worry about convincing a majority of Americans to agree with us...Most of them are staying home and watching 'Falcon Crest.'"

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