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TIA hosts conference 3 day conference on empowering the mainstream faith community

The Interfaith Alliance Foundation recently joined together with People For the American Way to sponsor a three-day conference entitled "Empowering the Mainstream: Faith-Based Alternatives to the Radical Religious Right." Funded by the Arca Foundation and held on the grounds of the Musgrove estate, this conference brought together national leaders from the religious community, the political community, academia, and the press. Together with members of the Arca Board and guests of the Smith Bagley family, these leaders discussed various topics relating to the rise of the extreme religious right and mainstream efforts to counter its increasing political power. They also discussed ideological differences within the mainstream religious communities and ways in which different groups might better work together to promote a more cohesive and compelling message - one that would serve as an effective alternative to the message offered by groups like Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition.

In terms of both persons attending and issues addressed, the conference was a huge success. Participants came away with a renewed sense of mission and a greater appreciation for the need to work together. Increased networking, the sharing of information, and other forms of cooperation are already occurring. Various participants are now working closely with other participants on particular projects in ways that might not have been possible without the connections that were made and the spirit of cooperation that was shared by participants at this historic conference.

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