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The Interfaith Alliance Mission Statement

The mission of The Interfaith Alliance is to promote the positive role of religion as a healing and constructive force in public life. Therefore we challenge those who manipulate religion to advance an extreme political agenda. Through our shared religious values, we seek to build a revitalized mainstream religious movement based upon active civic participation.

Statement of Principles

At a time when Americans fear our values are being undermined, our communities frayed and the strength of our families and our children's future are threatened, The Interfaith Alliance offers hope and renewal.

The Interfaith Alliance believes in the dignity of the individual and the importance of community. These religious principles compel us to take responsibility for both our own communities and our larger national community.

As a non-partisan organization, The Interfaith Alliance offers Americans a mainstream, faith-based agenda committed to the positive role of religion as a healing and constructive force in public life. The Interfaith Alliance draws on shared religious principles to challenge those who manipulate religion to promote an extreme political agenda based on a false gospel of irresponsible individualism. This false gospel threatens our families, our values and our future.

We believe we must not only give voice to mainstream values, but also take action to preserve and express our shared beliefs. We are committed to :

Supporting families by advocating for a fair living wage that keeps working people out of poverty and allows them to spend valuable time together growing and learning, for the affordable health care vital to their well being , for child care that protects and nurtures every boy and girl, for a clean environment that protects their health and safety, for a secure retirement as a reward for a lifetime of hard work by our senior citizens, and for safe streets and neighborhoods that protects our children.

Ensuring Opportunity by advocating for quality education in public schools where parents can have faith their children are learning about character and respect; for the skill training needed for good paying jobs that will support a family, and for an accessible college education that will help every generation do better than the last;

Honoring freedom by encouraging the active participation in the political process by people of faith and all people of good will, but also by exposing those who use religious coercion to impose their narrow and mean-spirited agenda on our pluralistic society; and by fighting discrimination and working to bring us together as one nation, regardless of race or religion or any other factor that some might use to divide us.

The Interfaith Alliance believes that religion best contributes to public life when it works for reconciliation, inspires common effort, promotes community and responsibility, and upholds the dignity of all human beings. The Interfaith Alliance will publicly challenge any candidate or political organization that implicitly or explicitly claims to speak for all people of faith. We will openly counter those who, in the name of religion, ignore the basic religious principles that remind us all of our responsibility to ourselves, each other, and our community. We believe these principles are consistent with the highest ideals of American democracy.

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