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Washingtion State Celebrates Successful First Year

by Nancy Parish
[Seattle] Milepost One- The Interfaith Alliance of Washington State (TIA-WA) celebrated its first anniversary on the road to civil discourse with a capacity crowd on May 19, and set challenges for the fall elections. Featured speakers were Dr. Albert Pennybacker, president of the national Interfaith Alliance, Daniel Junas, authority on the religious right in Washington, and Rabbi Michael Lerner, leader of the Foundation for Ethics and Meaning.
"There is a good feeling!" declared Rick Morse, Pro Tem Steering Committee chair. "There is obviously a strong desire to have a major impact on the 1996 elections."
TIA-WA's first year accomplishments include: establishment of 12 affiliates statewide; publication of a newsletter and an Affiliate Training Manual; and, election by acclamation of the first steering committee/board and official by-laws.
In the fall of 1995 TIA-WA developed a pilot Code for Fair Campaign Practices, including a Campaign pledge designed to make candidates' positions public, especially regarding religious issues. It was employed in four school board races, and results published. All extremist candidates were defeated, and moderates elected.
These questions and procedures will be provided to all affiliates this fall so a similar effort can be carried out statewide. Emphasis will be on publishing voter guides in swing districts, and a get-out-the-vote campaign targeting 2000 mainstream faith communities.
Affiliate representatives stepped forward during the business session to list their own achievements and plans. These ranged from "Hyde Park Sunday" with soap boxes for orators to programs featuring leaders of the Christian Coalition, and everything in between.
TIA-WA members committed to the challenge issued by the speakers that the highest priority is to identify the values people hold, and emphasize the positive. All agreed that short term gains are best won with long-term goals that answer the needs of mainstream citizens.

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