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TIA Embarks on a "Road To Renewal"

At a news conference in Washington, DC, on July 15th, TIA President, Rev. Albert Pennybacker announced the cornerstone of TIA's 1996 grassroots effort, "The Road to Renewal."
"We are here today not to just put our faith into words, but to put our words into action. We are here today to inspire others to action," stated Rev. Albert Pennybacker, President of The Interfaith Alliance as he unveiled the campaign plan at Foundry United Methodist Church. "Today we take the first step on what we are calling our `Road to Renewal' -- to restore values, strengthen families, rebuild communities, to renew our faith and our nation; to challenge those who use faith as a wedge instead of a welcome."
The "Road to Renewal" is bringing TIA's natioal religious leaders all across America to local TIA chapters and the national party conventions to help empower mainstream people of faith. TIA's 109 chapters will distribute millions of voter guides; hold candidates to a "Pledge of Civility;" and, educate the public on the political agenda of religious political extremists.
"Today when you think of religion and politics you almost automatically come up with the names Pat Robertson, Ralph Reed and the Christian Coalition. You think of the religious right, and its divisive, exclusionary political message. Those people do not represent me, neither in faith nor in politics," stated Terry Anderson, chair of TIA's Advisory Board and former AP correspondent. (He is also the best selling author of Den of Lions which chronicles his seven years imprisonment as a hostage in Lebanon).
Later that week, Rev. Robert Meneilly, Founding Board Member of the Interfaith Alliance, visited both the North Carolina and Tennessee Alliances to announce the "Road to Renewal" effort.
TIA and TIAF's Road to Renewal campaign will include the following activities:
  • State and local press conferences - Across the country TIA national and local leaders are conducting press events to launch the "Road to Renewal" in their community.
  • An Interfaith Prayer Rally - At both the Republican and Democratic Conventions TIA and TIAF sponsored an interfaith prayer rally encouraging tolerance and civility. (see below)
  • Public Education Events- State and local alliances will hold education events on a
    variety issues facing our nation and sponsor forums which educate the public on the agenda and tactics of religious political extremists and the candidates they support.
  • Activists Trainings - TIAF will hold sessions open to the public that will train activists in the nuts and bolts of grassroots organizing, voter education and mobilization.
  • "The Civility Pledge" - Candidates for local, state and federal office will be asked to take a pledge stating that they will not use religion as a weapon in their campaign and not claim that a vote for a particular candidate is a vote for God. TIA will educate the public as to who signed the pledge and who broke it.
  • "Call To Faithful Decision Voter's Pledge" - TIA activists will ask members of their congregations, neighbors, family members and professional colleagues to sign a statement in support of TIA's mission and take a pledge to vote in the upcoming elections.
  • Voter Guide Distribution - TIA will distribute millions of voter guides in local, state and federal elections educating voters where candidates stand on important issues facing their communities.
  • Get Out The Vote Campaign - TIA will contact those who took the "Call to Faithful Decision" reminding them to vote on election day.

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