TIA Logo The Interfaith Alliance

Farewell to Jill Hanauer

With a mixture of sadness and gratitude, we bid farewell to our executive director, Jill Hanauer. Together with Dr. Herbert Valentine and other religious leaders, Ms. Hanauer founded The Interfaith Alliance as a mainstream alternative to Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition. Her political skills and campaign experience helped to establish the new organization as an effective counter voice to those who in the name of religion, promote an extreme political agenda. Under her leadership, The Interfaith Alliance attracted national media attention, challenged the political power of the extreme religious right, and expanded to include 109 chapters in 36 states. Her vision, dedication, and friendship will be greatly missed. We wish her well.
The Interfaith Alliance is also pleased to welcome Gregory G. Lebel as interim director. Previously serving as Director of Political and Field Operations, Greg will assume leadership responsibilities until a new director is hired. During this time of transition, Amber Khan will serve as Field Director.

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