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Letters to the editor

Please know that I deeply appreciate the initiative you and your associates have taken to establish an organization opposing the machinations of the so-called Christian Coalition and other right-wing groups. Since the Pat Robertson empire is headquartered here in Virginia Beach, I have had ample opportunity to witness the growth of the CBN-Regent University "octopus," and to see its tentacles reach out more and more to grasp and repress. These are dangerous days for our country, but I am encouraged by the fact that you and other people of strong faith are not prepared to stand idly by.

Thomas H. Britton
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Your report and activities fill a vacuum in the wake of the "Christian" Coalition juggernaut, but it will take an irresistible force to reverse that onslaught. . . . It seems to me that since much of the drive behind the radical right is veiled hate and fear, our best weapons are enlightenment, common sense and love. And who better to light up the spiritual and intellectual arena than the towering religions of The Interfaith Alliance? Beyond the rebuttal of these Contracts, we must present an alternative to the Coalition's exploitation of destructive emotions. . . .

I shall try to find and shine light on the workings of the Coalition or any other activity in my area detrimental to democratic processes. The blessings democracy has bestowed on us these past 200 years are too precious to remain at risk.

James S. Dauerty
Newark, Delaware

I am Catholic priest and in the light of the statement from the National Conference of Bishops I feel that I must oppose many of the items on the agenda of the Christian Coalition and their Catholic allies with particular emphasis on their attitude toward welfare. As a Catholic I feel duty bound to do so. May God bless your endeavors.

Father John P. Mahoney, O.P.
Providence College

I watched your program on C-SPAN and felt like you were a breath of fresh air from the mean-spiritedness of the "Christian" Right. Your group has renewed my faith in the real efforts of Christianity.

Karl W. Peters
Redford Township, Michigan

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