Warning: Deceptive Voter Guides!

Please Print and Distribute Widely
The Christian Coalition is distributing voter guides designed to promote their
favored candidate through inaccurate and misleading information.

Their political agenda does not represent America’s values or support America’s families.

Leaders of the Christian CoalitionWhat does your family value?
OPPOSERaising the Minimum Wage?
SUPPORTCuts in Student Loans?
SUPPORTCuts in Medicaid and Medicare?
SUPPORTHigher Taxes for Families Making Under $18,000?
OPPOSEFamily and Medical Leave?
The Christian Coalition claims to be ‘pro-family’,
but do they really support your family?
Christian Coalition voter guides are partisan materials designed
to promote a particular candidate. In many cases these voter guides
do not accurately represent the views of the candidates.

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