Why are so many Americans Joining TIA?

Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition and other religious political extremists have gained significant power by entering the political system from the grassroots up. Already they control over half of the state level Republican Party organizations in our nation. And recently the Christian Coalition announced their intention to begin targeting the Democratic party. Its goal is to mobilize enough "Christian activists" to control our nation's political process from school boards to the White House. Accomplishing that, the Christian Coalition and its allies, will be free to create an America in their own image by:
--> Revoking First Amendment guarantees including separation of church and state and freedom of speech;
--> Dismantling government supported public education
--> Mandating the daily exposure of public school students to state-sanctioned prayer
--> Ending programs -- such as the Legal Services Corporation -- that assist our nation's most at- risk citizens
TIA and its 109 state and local Alliances in 38 states are on the frontline of the effort to uphold our nation's long proud social contract with one another which respects and protects religious liberty and our nation's shared religious values.

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