The Boston Challenge

Delivered by Father Paul McLaughlin
December 9, 1995
Boston, MA

On behalf of today's speakers and all of the members of The Interfaith Alliance in Massachusetts, I would like to conclude today's press conference by sending a clear message to those who want to practice Pat Robertson's brand of politics: Not in my state, and absolutely not in my Church!

In their statement on political responsibility, the U.S. Catholic Bishops remind us that too often the voices that set the agenda of public life are not those who seek the common good, but those who seek to divide us. So far Massachusetts has been able to avoid the kind of hostile political climate in which the Christian Coalition thrives. But in order to prevent our great state from going through what other states have had to suffer, we must all be on our guard. We therefore call upon the politicians, candidates, and citizens of Massachusetts to resist the temptation to give in to the politics of deceit and division practiced by groups like Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition. Do not pander to their political demands, and do not fall prey to their political tricks. As the Catholic Conference has rightly stated: The politics of money and polarization may help fund raising and ratings, but it is a bad way to build community.

Throughout the years, the Catholic Church has managed to maintain its integrity by staying out of partisan politics, and by stressing principles that cut across ideological lines. This integrity must never be compromised by groups such as Pat Robertson's Catholic Alliance. We therefore call upon all leaders and teachers of the Catholic Church, especially parish priests and leaders of religious communities, to follow the lead of Bishop Hubbard of Albany, and inform Catholics about the serious differences between the agenda of the Catholic Alliance and the teachings of the Catholic Church. As pastors and teachers, we all have a duty to expose the wolves who come in sheep's clothing before they divide and devour our flock.

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