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The differential equation (55), with the first-order derivative term neglected, has the mathematical form almost similar to the 15-degree wave extrapolation equation. Its finite-difference implementation, first described by Claerbout 1986 and Li 1986, is analogous to that of the 15-degree equation Claerbout (1976), except for the variant coefficients. We can write the implicit unconditionally stable finite-difference scheme for the velocity continuation equation in the form  
({\bf I} + a_{j+1}^{i+1}\,{\bf T})\,{\bf P}_{j+1}^{i+1} - 
 ...}^{i} + 
({\bf I} + a_{j}^{i}\,{\bf T})\,{\bf P}_{j}^{i} = 0\;,\end{displaymath} (95)
where index i corresponds to the time dimension, index j corresponds to the velocity dimension, ${\bf P}$ is a vector along the midpoint direction, ${\bf I}$ is the identity matrix, ${\bf T}$represents the second-derivative operator in midpoint, and the coefficient a has the expression  
a_{j}^{i} = v_j\,t_i\,{{\Delta v\,\Delta t}\over {(\Delta x)^2}}\;.\end{displaymath} (96)
In the two-dimensional case, equation (95) reduces to a tridiagonal system of linear equations, which can be easily inverted. The direction of stable propagation is either forward in velocity and backward in time or backward in velocity and forward in time as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12
Finite-difference scheme for the velocity continuation equation. A stable propagation is either forward in velocity and backward in time (left plot) or backward in velocity and forward in time (right plot).

The following simple ratfor program implements the finite-difference velocity continuation. It is slightly modified from Jon Claerbout's original version and has a more straightforward loop structure than Zhiming Li's Caso15 program.

module velconx {
  use diffxx2
  use tridiag
  real, dimension (nx), allocatable       :: r, ld, rd, rhs
  real, dimension (:,:), pointer, private :: pt
  real                                    :: v1, v2, t0, dt
  real,                           private :: dv, a0
  real, parameter,                private :: b = 0.122996
  integer                                 :: nt, nx, nv, inv
#% _init (inv, v1,v2,t0, nt,nx,nv, dt,dx)
    real,    intent (in) :: dx
    allocate (pt(nt,nx))
    dv = (v1-v2)/nv; a0=(4.*dx*dx)/(dt*dv)
    call rtris_init (nx)
#% _lop (p1 (nt,nx), p2 (nt,nx))
    integer                      :: iv1, iv2, ivs, iv
    integer                      :: it1, it2, its, it
    real                         :: v, t, a, b1, b2, offd, diag
    real, dimension (:), pointer :: l
    if (adj) {
       iv1=1;  iv2=nv; ivs= 1 
       it1=nt; it2= 2; its=-1; pt = p2
    } else {
       iv1=nv; iv2= 1; ivs=-1 
       it1= 2; it2=nt; its= 1; pt = p1
    do iv=iv1,iv2,ivs {  v=sqrt(v2+(iv-0.5)*dv); rhs = 0.
    do it=it1,it2,its {  t=t0+dt*(it-1)
          select case (inv) {
          case (0) 
             t=sqrt(t)*v; 	a=a0/t		! Pseudounitary
             t=t*v;	        a=a0/v		! Claerbout's
          case default 
             a=a0/(t*v); 	t=v		! True-amplitude
          b1=b*a+t; b2=b*a-t; offd=a-b2; diag=a-2*b2
          l => pt(it,:); 		         call diffxx(l,ld)
          rhs = rhs + a*l + b1*ld
          call tris(offd,b2,diag,b2,offd,rhs,r); call diffxx(r,rd)
          rhs = a*r + b1*rd - a*l - b2*ld ; l = r
    if (adj) 
       p1 = p1 + pt
       p2 = p2 + pt
#% _close 
    deallocate (pt)
    call rtris_close ()

The parameter adj controls the direction of propagation. It is equal to zero for backward propagation, which corresponds to the modeling (demigration) operator. The parameter inv controls the amplitude behavior by introducing time-dependent divisors to equation (95). For inv=1, the program implements Claerbout's velocity continuation equation. For inv=2, it implements the modified equation (55). The value of inv=0 corresponds to the intermediate case. It leads to the pseudounitary velocity continuation, for which the reverse continuation is the exact adjoint operator Fomel (1996). We can easily test different types of amplitude behavior with the dot-product test and its modifications. The parameter b is required for the ``1/6 trick'' introduced by Claerbout 1985 to increase the accuracy of the second-derivative operator ${\bf T}$ in (95). The second-order difference in subroutine diffxx implies simple zero-slope boundary conditions on the midpoint coordinate. The call to rtris solves the triadiagonal system.

In order to test the performance of the finite-difference velocity continuation method, I use a simple synthetic model from Basic Earth Imaging Claerbout (1995). The ``reflectivity'' model is shown in Figure 13. It contains several features challenging the migration performance: dipping beds, unconformity, syncline, anticline, and fault.

Figure 13
Synthetic model for testing finite-difference migration by velocity continuation.
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The following series of figures compares invertability of different migration methods. In all cases, constant-velocity modeling (demigration) by the adjoint operator was followed by migration with the correct velocity v=1500 m/sec. Figures 14, 15, 16, 17 show the results of modeling and migration with fast (nearest-neighbor) Kirchhoff, antialiased Kirchhoff Fomel and Biondi (1995), phase-shift (Gazdag), and Stolt methods respectively. These figures should be compared with Figure 18, showing the analogous result of the finite-difference velocity continuation. The comparison reveals a remarkable invertability of velocity continuation, which reconstructs accurately the main features and frequency content of the model. Since the forward operators were different for different migrations, this comparison did not test the migration properties themselves. For such a test, I compare the results of the phase-shift and velocity-continuation migrations after Stolt modeling. The result of velocity continuation, shown in Figure 19 is at least as accurate as that of the phase-shift method.

Figure 14
Result of modeling and migration with the fast Kirchhoff method. Left plot shows the reconstructed model. Right plot compares the average amplitude spectrum of the true model with that of the reconstructed image.
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Figure 15
Result of modeling and migration with the antialiased Kirchhoff method. Left plot shows the reconstructed model. Right plot compares the average amplitude spectrum of the true model with that of the reconstructed image.
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Figure 16
Result of modeling and migration with the phase-shift method. Left plot shows the reconstructed model. Right plot compares the average amplitude spectrum of the true model with that of the reconstructed image.
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Figure 17
Result of modeling and migration with Stolt method. Left plot shows the reconstructed model. Right plot compares the average amplitude spectrum of the true model with that of the reconstructed image.
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Figure 18
Result of modeling and migration with the finite-difference velocity continuation. Left plot shows the reconstructed model. Right plot compares the average amplitude spectrum of the true model with that of the reconstructed image.
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Figure 19
Top plot: modeling with Stolt method, migration with the phase-shift method. Bottom plot: modeling with Stolt method, migration with the finite-difference velocity continuation. Left plots show the reconstructed models. Right plots compare the average amplitude spectrum of the true model with that of the reconstructed image.
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We can conclude that finite-difference velocity continuation is an attractive migration method. It possesses remarkable invertability properties, which might be useful in some applications. According to Li 1986, the computational speed of this method compares favorably with that of Stolt migration. The advantage is apparent for cascaded migration or migration with multiple velocity models. In these cases, the cost of Stolt migration increases in direct proportion with the number of velocity models, while the cost of velocity continuation stays the same.

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