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Interpolation results

The plane wave model of Figure 1 dips at $22.5^{\circ}$, so we can easily design a filter to annihilate it. Using the GEE approach for interpolating missing data Claerbout (1999), we interpolate the data of Figure 2, using the 8-point tapered sinc steering filter discussed above. The results are shown in Figure 5. We see that the interpolation is quite good in the center region, where the filter can ``see'' one or more known data points, as evidenced by a nearly uncorrelated model residual. In the corners, the result is imperfect in regions in which no known data points exist along diagonal tracks. In order to suppress helix wraparound and other edge effects, we apply zero-padding around the edges of the study region.

Figure 5
Clockwise from upper left: Known data; Interpolation regularized with 8-point tapered sinc steering filter; Difference between known model and interpolated result; known model.
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