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The Test Case

Claerbout (2000) proposes a test case for which the Gaussian curvature of the model vanishes. In this paper, we present an even simpler test case. Given a 2-D random field, we deconvolve with a known dip (or steering) Clapp et al. (1997) filter to obtain a ``plane wave'' model, as shown in Figure 1. To simulate collected ``data'', we sampled the model of Figure 1 at about 60 points randomly, and about two-thirds of the way down one trace in the center. The results are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1
True model - plane waves dipping at $22.5^{\circ}$.
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Figure 2
Left: Collected data - one known trace, about 60 randomly-selected known data points. Right: Known data selector.
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Stanford Exploration Project