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Extension to cross-spectra

The same procedure as the one described above can be applied to cross-spectra. Let us first rewrite (1) as:



This is clearly nothing but a first order Taylor expansion around (s,at+1). We can write a similar relation for a two-dimensional function as:

f(at,bt)=s+f(a)(at,bt)(at-at+1)+f(b)(at,bt)(bt-bt+1) (10)

where f(a) and f(b) denote the partial derivative with respect to a and b.

If we now consider f(a,b)=ab, we can write (10) as:

at bt-s=bt(at-at+1)+at(bt-bt+1) (11)

Now we can again use Burg's observation (1998, personal communication) and use (11) to factorize cross-spectra $F(Z)=A(Z) \bar
B(1/Z)$ written as polynomials in $Z=e^{i\omega \Delta t}$: 
S(Z)-A_t(Z)\bar B_t(1/Z)=
 A_t( Z)[\bar B_{t+1}(1/Z)-\bar B_t(1/Z)]+
\bar B_t(1/Z)[ A_{t+1}( Z)- A_t( Z)]\end{displaymath} (12)
After dividing both sides by $A_t(Z)\bar B_t(1/Z)$, we obtain the equation that enables us to find both the causal and the anticausal part of a cross-spectrum with the Wilson-Burg algorithm:  
{\bar B_{t+1}(1/Z) \over \bar B_t(1/Z)}
\ +\
{A_{t+1}(Z) \over A_t(Z)}
1 \ +\ {S(Z) \over \bar B_t(1/Z)\ A_t(Z)}\end{displaymath} (13)

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