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Spectra factorization

Suppose now that we want to apply the same procedure to obtain the factors of spectral functions of $Z=e^{i\omega \Delta t}$(Z-transforms). Let S(Z) be the auto-correlation that we seek to factor into causal and anticausal parts. Burg (1998, personal communication) recognized that we can use the Newton method to factor $F(Z)=A(Z)\bar A(1/Z)$ by writing an equation equivalent to (2):

S(Z)-A_t(Z)\bar A_t(1/Z)=
 A_t( Z)[\bar A_{t+1}(1/Z)-\bar A_t(1/Z)]+
\bar A_t(1/Z)[ A_{t+1}( Z)- A_t( Z)]\end{displaymath} (4)

If we now divide (4) by $\bar A_t(1/Z) A_t(Z)$ we obtain  
{\bar A_{t+1}(1/Z) \over \bar A_t(1/Z)}
\ +\
{A_{t+1}(Z) \over A_t(Z)}
1 \ +\ {S(Z) \over \bar A_t(1/Z)\ A_t(Z)}\end{displaymath} (5)

Equation (5) leads to the Wilson-Burg algorithm:

Compute the right side of (5) by polynomial division forwards and backwards and then add 1.
Abandon negative lags, to only keep the positive powers of the Z polynomial, and also keep half of the zero lag. Now you have At+1(Z)/At(Z).
Multiply out (convolve) the denominator At(Z). Now we have the desired result At+1(Z).
Iterate as long as you wish.

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