# Find the numerator and denominator Z-transforms of the Butterworth filter.
# hilo={1.,-1.} for {low,high}-pass filter
# cutoff in Nyquist units, i.e. cutoff=1 for (1,-1,1,-1...)
subroutine butter( hilo, cutoff, npoly, num, den)
integer npoly, nn, nw, i
real hilo, cutoff, num(npoly), den(npoly), arg, tancut, pi
complex cx(2048)
pi = 3.14159265; nw=2048; nn = npoly - 1
tancut = 2. * tan( cutoff*pi/2. )
do i= 1, nw {
arg = (2. * pi * (i-1.) / nw) / 2.
if( hilo > 0. ) # low-pass filter
cx(i) = (2.*cos(arg) ) **(2*nn) +
(2.*sin(arg) * 2./tancut ) **(2*nn)
else # high-pass filter
cx(i) = (2.*sin(arg) ) **(2*nn) +
(2.*cos(arg) * tancut/2. ) **(2*nn)
call kolmogoroff( nw, cx) # spectral factorization
do i= 1, npoly
den(i) = cx(i)
do i= 1, nw # numerator
cx(i) = (1. + hilo * cexp( cmplx(0., 2.*pi*(i-1.)/nw))) ** nn
call ftu( -1., nw, cx)
do i= 1, npoly
num(i) = cx(i)
return; end