The conjugate-gradient program
can be divided into two parts:
an inner part that is used almost without change
over a wide variety of applications,
and an outer part containing the initializations.
Since Fortran does not recognize the difference between upper- and
lower-case letters,
the conjugate vectors G and S in the program are denoted by
gg and ss.
The inner part of the conjugate-gradient task is in
subroutine cgstep().
real function dot( n, x, y )
integer i, n; real val, x(n), y(n)
val = 0.; do i=1,n { val = val + x(i) * y(i) }
dot = val; return; end
# A step of conjugate-gradient descent.
subroutine cgstep( iter, n, x, g, s, m, rr, gg, ss)
integer i, iter, n, m
real x(n), rr(m) # solution, residual
real g(n), gg(m) # gradient, conjugate gradient
real s(n), ss(m) # step, conjugate step
real dot, sds, gdg, gds, determ, gdr, sdr, alfa, beta
if( iter == 0 ) {
do i= 1, n
s(i) = 0.
do i= 1, m
ss(i) = 0.
if( dot(m,gg,gg)==0 ) call erexit('cgstep: grad vanishes identically')
alfa = dot(m,gg,rr) / dot(m,gg,gg)
beta = 0.
else { # search plane by solving 2-by-2
gdg = dot(m,gg,gg) # G . (R - G*alfa - S*beta) = 0
sds = dot(m,ss,ss) # S . (R - G*alfa - S*beta) = 0
gds = dot(m,gg,ss)
determ = gdg * sds - gds * gds + (.00001 * (gdg * sds) + 1.e-15)
gdr = dot(m,gg,rr)
sdr = dot(m,ss,rr)
alfa = ( sds * gdr - gds * sdr ) / determ
beta = (-gds * gdr + gdg * sdr ) / determ
do i= 1, n # s = model step
s(i) = alfa * g(i) + beta * s(i)
do i= 1, m # ss = conjugate
ss(i) = alfa * gg(i) + beta * ss(i)
do i= 1, n # update solution
x(i) = x(i) + s(i)
do i= 1, m # update residual
rr(i) = rr(i) - ss(i)
return; end
This program was used to produce about 50 figures in this book.
The first example of its use is the solution of the
set of simultaneous equations below.
Observe that the ``exact'' solution is obtained in the last step.
Since the data and answers are integers,
it is quick to check the result manually.
y transpose
3.00 3.00 5.00 7.00 9.00
A transpose
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00
1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
for iter = 0, 4
x 0.43457383 1.56124675 0.27362058 0.25752524
res 0.73055887 -0.55706739 -0.39193439 0.06291389 0.22804642
x 0.51313990 1.38677311 0.87905097 0.56870568
res 0.22103608 -0.28668615 -0.55250990 0.37106201 0.10523783
x 0.39144850 1.24044561 1.08974123 1.46199620
res 0.27836478 0.12766024 -0.20252618 0.18477297 -0.14541389
x 1.00001717 1.00006616 1.00001156 2.00000978
res -0.00009474 -0.00014952 -0.00022683 -0.00029133 -0.00036907
x 0.99999994 1.00000000 1.00000036 2.00000000
res -0.00000013 -0.00000003 0.00000007 0.00000018 -0.00000015
Initialization of the conjugate-gradient method
typically varies from one application to the next,
as does the setting up of the transformation and its adjoint.
The problem above was
set up with the matmul() program given in chapter
The program cgmeth() below initializes a zero solution
and the residual of a zero solution.
# setup of conjugate gradient descent, minimize SUM rr(i)**2
# nx
# rr(i) = yy(i) - sum aaa(i,j) * x(j)
# j=1
subroutine cgmeth( nx,x, nr,yy,rr, aaa, niter)
integer i, iter, nx, nr, niter
real x(nx), yy(nr), rr(nr), aaa(nr,nx)
temporary real dx(nx), sx(nx), dr(nr), sr(nr)
do i= 1, nx
x(i) = 0.
do i= 1, nr
rr(i) = yy(i)
do iter= 0, niter {
call matmult( 1, aaa, nx,dx, nr,rr) # dx= dx(aaa,rr)
call matmult( 0, aaa, nx,dx, nr,dr) # dr= dr(aaa,dx)
call cgstep( iter, nx, x,dx,sx, _
nr,rr,dr,sr) # x=x+s; rr=rr-ss
return; end
Then it loops over iterations, invoking matrix multiply, conjugate transpose multiply, and the conjugate-gradient stepper. In subroutine cgmeth(), the variable dx is like g in equation (44), and the variable dr is like G in equation (45).