Note about the presentations posted on this page
I post here a semi-random collaction of recent talks I recentlty gave.
Unfortunately, because of restrictions related to the proprietary
nature of several seismic data sets,
I had to remove many images from the presentations
before posting them in the public domain.
Paul Sava and Biondo Biondi *
Wave-Equation Migration Velocity Analysis:
presented at EAGE Workshop on Velocity,
Paris, June 2004.
Biondo Biondi *
Imaging of complex structures by 3-D reflection seismic data:
presented at IPRPI Workshop on Geophysical Imaging,
Troy, N.Y., January 2004.
Biondo Biondi *
Wavefield continuation Angle Domain Common Image Gathers for Migration Vlocity Analysis:
presented at 2003 SEG:
Dallas, TX., October 2003.