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Class isf.vector.IsfFactory


public class IsfFactory
extends Object
implements JamObject
Factory to create or modify Isfs

All the physical implementations are hidden (Spaces, Keys, Elements, CoordMap)

See Also:

Constructor Index

 o IsfFactory(int, int)
builds an Isf with random coordinate values and random RealVec elements.
 o IsfFactory(IsfFactory)
copy constructor
 o IsfFactory(IsfSpace, Isf)
 o IsfFactory(Spaces, Keys, Elements, CoordMap)

Method Index

 o addElement(Vector, Vector)
 o copy()
 o equals(Object)
Compares two Objects for equality.
 o getCoordinates()
 o getElementSpaces()
 o getElementVectors()
 o getIsf()
 o getIsfSpace()
 o getKeys()
 o getNumberOfElements()
 o getNumberOfKeys()
 o insertElementAt(Vector, Vector, int)
 o removeElementAt(int)
 o toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.


 o IsfFactory
 public IsfFactory(int keys,
                   int elements)
builds an Isf with random coordinate values and random RealVec elements.

keys - is the number of coordinate values attached to each element.
elements - is the number of irregular data points.
 o IsfFactory
 public IsfFactory(Spaces spaces,
                   Keys keys,
                   Elements elements,
                   CoordMap coorMap)
 o IsfFactory
 public IsfFactory(IsfSpace isfSpc,
                   Isf isfVec)
 o IsfFactory
 protected IsfFactory(IsfFactory src)
copy constructor


 o copy
 public JamObject copy()
 o equals
 public boolean equals(Object spc)
Compares two Objects for equality.

equals in class Object
 o getIsfSpace
 public IsfSpace getIsfSpace()
 o getIsf
 public Isf getIsf()
 o getElementSpaces
 public Spaces getElementSpaces()
 o getKeys
 public Keys getKeys()
 o getElementVectors
 public Elements getElementVectors()
 o getCoordinates
 public CoordMap getCoordinates()
 o getNumberOfElements
 public int getNumberOfElements()
 o getNumberOfKeys
 public int getNumberOfKeys()
 o toString
 public String toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.

toString in class Object
 o addElement
 protected void addElement(Vector vec,
                           Vector loc)
 o insertElementAt
 protected void insertElementAt(Vector vec,
                                Vector loc,
                                int i)
 o removeElementAt
 protected void removeElementAt(int i)

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