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Class isf.vector.Isf


public class Isf
extends Object
implements Vector
Irregularly Sampled Function

See Also:

Variable Index

 o elements
 o spc

Constructor Index

 o Isf()
 o Isf(int, int)
 o Isf(Isf)
copy constructor
 o Isf(IsfSpace)
 o Isf(IsfSpace, Elements)

Method Index

 o add(Vector)
 o add(Vector, Vector)
 o addScale(float, Vector)
 o addScale(float, Vector, Vector)
 o copy()
WARNING: the space copied is a shallow copy, meaning that if you subsequently change any of the internals of the space of one vector, then the space of the other vector is affected.
 o copyFrom(Vector)
 o dot(Vector)
 o equals(Object)
Compares two Objects for equality.
 o getNumberOfElements()
 o getSpace()
 o neg()
 o neg(Vector)
 o norm()
 o norm2()
 o scale(float)
 o scale(float, Vector)
 o sub(Vector)
 o sub(Vector, Vector)
 o toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.
 o zero()


 o spc
 protected IsfSpace spc
 o elements
 protected Elements elements


 o Isf
 public Isf()
 o Isf
 public Isf(int keys,
            int elements)
 o Isf
 public Isf(IsfSpace spc)
 o Isf
 public Isf(IsfSpace spc,
            Elements elements)
 o Isf
 protected Isf(Isf src)
copy constructor


 o copy
 public JamObject copy()
WARNING: the space copied is a shallow copy, meaning that if you subsequently change any of the internals of the space of one vector, then the space of the other vector is affected.

 o equals
 public boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares two Objects for equality.

equals in class Object
 o getNumberOfElements
 public int getNumberOfElements()
 o neg
 public void neg()
 o neg
 public void neg(Vector vec2)
 o addScale
 public void addScale(float a,
                      Vector vec2)
 o addScale
 public void addScale(float a,
                      Vector vec1,
                      Vector vec2)
 o add
 public void add(Vector vec2)
 o add
 public void add(Vector vec1,
                 Vector vec2)
 o sub
 public void sub(Vector vec2)
 o sub
 public void sub(Vector vec1,
                 Vector vec2)
 o scale
 public void scale(float a)
 o scale
 public void scale(float a,
                   Vector vec2)
 o copyFrom
 public void copyFrom(Vector src)
 o zero
 public void zero()
 o dot
 public float dot(Vector vec2)
 o norm2
 public float norm2()
 o norm
 public float norm()
 o getSpace
 public Space getSpace()
 o toString
 public String toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.

toString in class Object

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