Next: Conjugate Gradient Definition
Up: Review of Frequency-domain waveform
Previous: The Inverse Problem
Methods for calculating the gradient without explicitly computing the partial derivatives of the data are well established Lailly (1983); Pratt et al. (1998); Pratt and Worthington (1989); Tarantola (1984). The main result in the time-domain inversion literature is that the gradient vector can be computed by a zero-lag correlation of the wavefield propagated forward from the source point,
, and the residual wavefield propagated backwards from the farthest receiver location toward the source point past each successive receiver,
. The frequency-domain equivalent to this zero-lag correlation is the multiplication of these two wavefields according to
|  |
(6) |
where Re indicates the real component of the multiplication result. The summation over sources and receivers is done for each non-linear iteration at each frequency. Following Sirgue and Pratt (2004) in assuming a point source of unit amplitude and zero phase, the forward-propagated wavefield Pf is given by
|  |
(7) |
while back-propagated wavefield Pb is defined by
|  |
(8) |
represent the monochromatic Green's functions for an excitation at the source and receiver points in the medium, respectively. Hence, the full gradient vector expression is
|  |
(9) |
Note that
represents the back-projection of the data residuals and is similar to a "migration with the residual wavefield data" Mora (1987).
Next: Conjugate Gradient Definition
Up: Review of Frequency-domain waveform
Previous: The Inverse Problem
Stanford Exploration Project