Next: FPGA
Up: R. Clapp: Data precision
Previous: Data quantization results
The above sections assumed that the data was automatically converted to
a floating point representation throughout the migration process. If you
can and want to completely implement your migration on an external
hardware device than the initial reduced bit precision is acceptable.
The more likely scenario is that part of the migration process will
be implemented on the processor and part on an external hardware device.
FPGAs, GPUs, and the cell processor excel at certain tasks, but perform
quite poorly at others. For example, implementing something that is
`if' statetement intensive on an FPGA is not efficient. As a result quantization
of the input data alone is not sufficient.
Downward continuing a wavefield in a v(x,z) medium
has three basic computational parts that are constantly
repeated: multiplication by a correction factor, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT),
multiplication by a complex exponential.
At least two, and potentially all three, would be good candidates for
an FPGA. Other poritions of the downward continuation process such
as managing wavefields to handle multiple reference velocities would be
inappropriate. As a result what we need to limit are internal data
representation so we can reduce the number of bits that need to be sent
to and from the external hardware device.
This makes the error analysis of the last section
much more complicated.
The fact that we only need to produce an image that is accurate
to about 1000 quantization intervals gives us some hope. The
FFT operation is a series of intergals, so the same error analysis
can be performed. We are not summing over
a large number of points at every step in the downward continuation
process so we will need more precision than before.
Figure 3
is the same design as Figures
and 2.
The top row simulates six bits, the center 8 bits, and the bottom
9 bits.
In this case it takes 9 bits to get the error down to
less than 1%.
Figure 3
The result of migrating with a reduced precision input.
The left collumn is the migration result. The center collumn
is the difference between the full precission migration and the reduced precission image
clipped at the same level is the migration.
The right collumn is the same as the center panel, clipped at 1/10 the value.
The top row simulates six bits, the center 8 bits, and the bottom
9 bits.
To produce acceptable angle gathers requires significantly more
bits. Figure 4 is in the same form as the previous
The top row simulates nine bits, the center 11 bits, and the bottom
row 12 bits.
To get the error below two percent requires a significant bit
representation, but for almost all applications the nine
bit representation is more than acceptable.
Figure 4
The result of migrating with a reduced precision input.
The left collumn is the migration result. The center collumn
is the difference between the full precission migration and the reduced precission image
clipped at the same level is the migration.
The right collumn is the same as the center panel, clipped at 1/10 the value.
The top row simulates nine bits, the center 11 bits, and the bottom
row 12 bits.
Next: FPGA
Up: R. Clapp: Data precision
Previous: Data quantization results
Stanford Exploration Project