The Husky 2D land spec dataset was acquired by Husky Oil and
Talisman Energy in a complex fold and thrust belt of the Canadian
Rocky Mountain Foothills. This dataset, released by Husky Oil to aid
industry technological development, was the focus of a processing
workshop at the SEG's 1995 Annual General Meeting. The dataset
consists of 143 shot-records, with a nominal source and receiver
spacing of 100 m and 20 m, respectively. Shot-records contain
approximately 300 channels per shot in a split-spread geometry with a
maximum offset of 4000 m. Overall, this high-quality field
dataset exhibits many typical data attributes: realistic near-surface
effects, elevation changes, and associated geologic information and
ambiguity. In addition, the dataset is in a location of minimal 3D
structure, which provides a good test for 2D imaging algorithms.